Boho Paisley Outdoor Rug

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Talking Tables Boho Paisley Outdoor Rug

£22.50 £37.50

Talking Tables Boho Paisley Outdoor Rug

In summer shades of pink, orange and yellow, this waterproof rug will brighten up any space, no matter how big or small.  The woven rug is double-sided, giving two bright paisley print patterns for you to choose from. With a lightweight design, this outdoor rug is perfect take to the beach, camping, use as a picnic rug or simply underneath outdoor furniture on a patio or decking. Alternatively take indoors for use in a bathroom, kitchen or utility room.

Material: 100% polypropylene

Rug Size: 120 x 180 cm

Team with matching paper napkins and fabric bunting for the perfect boho picnic or tea party!

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